Mr. Fout currently serves a Chemical Engineer at the U.S. Department of Energy’s National Energy Technology Laboratory’s where he conducts and manages plant-level process and cost engineering analyses to assess the potential environmental and economic performance of advanced technologies and compares them with existing and competing technologies. These analyses also serve to identify the process conditions that advanced technologies must accommodate when integrated into energy conversion systems, and to help identify appropriate R&D targets for cost and performance. Mr. Fout’s current area of concentration for his systems analysis is post combustion carbon capture technology.
He received his bachelor’s and masters’ degrees in Chemical Engineering from West Virginia University. All totaled, Mr. Fout has over 20 years of experience in energy related research and development. This includes prior work in lab scale and simulation-based R&D along with working as a project manager at NETL’s where he managed projects conducting research and development of carbon capture, oxy-combustion and advanced CO2 compression technologies.