Ting (C.-ting) Wu is a Professor of Genetics at Harvard Medical School. She is also Director of the Consortium for Space Genetics and Director of the Personal Genetics Education (pgEd.org) Project. She received her B.A. from Harvard University in Biology and her Ph.D. from Harvard Medical School in Genetics and is the recipient of an NIH Director’s 2012 Pioneer Award for her laboratory's work on genome organization, homolog pairing, and inheritance and an NIH Director’s 2016 Transformative Research Award for her laboratory's work on sequence ultraconservation as a strategy for maintaining genome integrity. Her group also develops technologies for visualizing the genome, most recently, at super-resolution (Oligopaints, HOPs, OligoSTORM, and OligoDNA-PAINT). The Wu laboratory also houses the Personal Genetics Education Project (pgEd.org), which works to promote public awareness and dialog about genetics and genetic technologies via classrooms, online curricula and teacher training, Congressional briefings, the film and television industry, and communities of faith.