Tomer Shlomi | AIChE

Tomer Shlomi

Associate Professor
Technion Israel Institute of Technology

Tomer Shlomi is an Associate Professor in the Departments of Computer Science and Biology at the Technion and a member of the Lokey Interdisciplinary Center for Life Sciences & Engineering at Technion. Tomer completed his PhD studies in Tel-Aviv University and joined the faculty of Computer Science in Technion on 2018. He worked as a Visiting Researcher in the Lewis-Sigler Institute for Integrative Genomics in Princeton on 2011-2013.


The Shlomi Lab studies human cellular metabolism with a focus on metabolic dysfunction in cancer. The research integrates experimental approaches in molecular and cell biology, high-resolution mass-spectrometry based metabolomics; and computational approaches, including metabolic network modelling and machine learning. Ongoing research projects in the lab involve: The development of spatio-temporal fluxomics approaches - observing cellular metabolism at a subcellular compartment level and throughout the cell cycle; Revealing metabolic alterations in one-carbon metabolism in cancer and means to selectively target them; Cancer immunometabolism; Cancer diagnosis via high-throughput serum metabolomics and lipidomics. The lab has had continuous funding from the European Research Council (ERC), Israel Science Foundation (ISF), Israeli Ministry of Technology (MOST-DKFZ), DFG, FP7, etc. Tomer is a co-founder of MetaboMed Ltd.

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