Tracy Rudisill is an Advisory Engineer in the Nuclear Materials Management Directorate at the Savannah River National Laboratory (SRNL) where he has worked since coming to the laboratory in March 1984. In this position, Tracy has performed R&D activities associated with most transuranic element processing activities at the Savannah River Site (SRS). He has made exceptional contributions to nuclear chemical process operations, the nuclear fuel cycle, and to national security. He possesses a deep and broad knowledge of actinide separations as applied to the nuclear fuel cycle, the nuclear weapons complex, and defense nuclear nonproliferation activities. His many successes include the first hot demonstration of the uranium extraction process, sustained reprocessing and purification of actinide materials from foreign and domestic sources, and the evaluation and mitigation of off-normal conditions encountered in solvent extraction processes. Tracy was selected for the Donald A. Orth Award for Technical Excellence (2017), the Glenn T. Seaborg Actinide Separations Award (2017), and was named a Laboratory Fellow at SRNL in 2022.