Mr. Travis Pyrzynski is an engineer with experience working as a process engineer and a research engineer. He spent almost three years working at a “recovery” coke plant, specifically in the By-Products section, that produced roughly 1700 tons of coke for the blast furnace daily. While there he was able to gain insightful experience into the production side of gas processing. During his time at GTI, he has coordinated the engineering and design for: the Pilot Test of a Nanoporous, Super-hydrophobic Membrane Contactor Process for Post-combustion CO2 Capture; Production of High-Purity O2 via Membrane Contactor with Oxygen Carrier Solutions; and the Direct Catalytic Synthesis of Acetic Acid from CO2 and CH4. Working in both production and research has allowed Mr. Pyrzynski to fully appreciate the process of design and implementation of ideas from bench scale to manufacturing. He received his Master of Science in Chemical Engineering from the University of Dayton in 2013.