Unni Olsbye (born 1964) is Professor and leader of the Catalysis Section at the Chemistry Department of the University of Oslo (UiO).
She is author of 160 scientific papers (H-index 47) and holds several patents.
Olsbye graduated as a Chemical Engineer at NTNU in 1987, and proceeded to work with Elf Aquitaine (1988-90) on a project leading to a Ph.D. degree in Chemistry at UiO in 1991. During 1991-2000, she was a scientist, then senior scientist and group leader in the Department of Hydrocarbon Process Chemistry at SINTEF, and in 2000-2001 an R&D manager at NORDOX, before joining UiO in 2001. Olsbye is full Professor in Chemistry at UiO since 2002. During 2007-2015, she was Managing Director of inGAP (Innovative Natural Gas Processes and Products) – a Norwegian Centre of Excellence for Research-Based Innovation. She is founding advisor of ProfMOF A/S.
Olsbye is an elected member of the Norwegian Academy of Science and Letters, and of the Norwegian Academy of Technical Sciences; she is Associate Editor of ACS Catalysis, and serves in the Advisory Boards of several research entities and journals. Professor Olsbye is omnipresent at major catalysis and related conferences, an excellent lecturer and teacher and a strong ambassador for the field of natural gas conversion.
Personal homepage: http://www.mn.uio.no/kjemi/english/people/aca/unniol/index.html