Victoria Grace Muir is a Ph.D. candidate at the University of Pennsylvania studying under Dr. Jason Burdick. Her research interests focus on developing hydrogel biomaterials towards musculoskeletal tissue repair and regeneration. In 2019, Victoria received both an NSF Fellowship and a Tau Beta Pi Fellowship for her graduate education.
Outside of her thesis work, Victoria engages in K-12 STEM outreach, serving as a frequent guest scientist at local museums and community centers. Victoria is active in the AIChE Young Professionals Committee and K-12 Outreach Committee. She has hosted AIChE conference sessions and webinars on K-12 outreach in chemical engineering.
Victoria graduated summa cum laude with an Honors Bachelor’s Degree with Distinction from the University of Delaware Department of Chemical Engineering in 2018. As an undergraduate student, she received a Goldwater Scholarship in her sophomore year. Victoria was highly involved in the University of Delaware AIChE Student Chapter, serving as chapter president in her senior year. She will pursue a career as a research professor in chemical engineering. Throughout her career, Victoria hopes to be a leader K-12 STEM outreach and promoting diversity in STEM fields.