V.M. (Bala) Balasubramaniam, is a Professor of Food Engineering at The Ohio State University (OSU), Columbus, OH. Bala received B.S. in Agricultural Engineering at Tamil Nadu Agricultural University, India, M.S. in Post-harvest Technology from Asian Institute of Technology, Thailand and PhD in Food Engineering from The Ohio State University.
Prior joining OSU as a faculty member in 2002, Dr. Bala was working as a post-doctoral associate at University of Georgia Center for Food Safety and Quality Enhancement, Griffin, GA (1994-95) and Associate Research Professor at IIT National Center for Food Safety and Technology, Chicago, IL (1995-2002).
Dr. Bala’s research focus has been on food process design, development and validation of various thermal and nonthermal based clean food manufacturing technologies that satisfy consumer demand for minimally processed foods with health promoting nutrients preserved. Particularly recent laboratory effort focuses on various innovative applications of high pressure based ultra shear technologies for the preservation of food and beverages.
Prof. Bala’s team published more than one-hundred and five scientific research papers, twenty book chapters, four food processors factsheets and over one hundred seventy technical and invited presentations. Dr. Bala co-edited two books on high pressure processing and nonthermal processing.
Dr. Bala teaches Unit Operations in Food Process Engineering to undergraduate and graduate students pursuing Food Science and Technology and Food Ag Bio Engineering degree programs. Dr. Bala also contributes various technology transfers and education to food manufactures via short courses, webinars, workshops and pilot plant demonstrations.
Dr. Bala is a Fellow of Institute of Food Technologists (IFT) and International Union of Food Science and Technology (IUFoST). He is also recipient of 2018 College of Food Ag Env Science Innovator of the year award, 2017 IFT Calvert L Willey Distinguished Service Award, 2016 AITAA distinguished alumni award for academic and research excellence, 2011 OARDC faculty research award, and 2006 Hormel Sprit in Innovation. He serves in the editorial board of various food engineering related journals and serves as the Editor-in-Chief for Wiley’s Journal of Food Process Engineering.
More information about Dr. Bala’s research, teaching or industrial outreach can be found at http://u.osu.edu/foodsafetyeng/
Contact Information:
Prof. V.M. “Bala” Balasubramaniam
Department of Food Science and Technology, Department of Food Ag Bio Engineering
2015 Fyffe Court, Columbus Ohio 43210
Phone : 614 292 1732
Email: balasubramaniam.1@osu.edu