Wendy Young Reed is a Business Development Manager for Chemstations, Inc. providing process simulation software solutions through the CHEMCAD suite of products. She obtained her B.S. in Chemical Engineering from Texas A&M University in 1997. Her experience includes positions in chemical manufacturing, pharmaceutical manufacturing, and technical sales.
Wendy has been involved with AIChE since college where she served in various positions within the Texas A&M Student Chapter. She founded the Young Professionals Group of the AIChE South Texas Section in 2002 and became Chair of the national Young Professionals Advisory Board (now YPC) from 2003-2005. She moved on to Chair the Membership Committee and served on AIChE's Board of Directors from 2007-2009. Wendy was a founding Co-Chair of AIChE's Water Initiative (now ISWS) and is currently serving as a Director on the Chemical Engineering Technology Operating Council (CTOC). She is the co-MPC for the 2015 AIChE Spring Meeting.