Professor Yansong Shen is currently a prestigious Australian Research Council (ARC) Future Fellow and a full Professor in School of Chemical Engineering at University of New South Wales (Tenured). He initiated and is leading a vibrant research lab - Process Modelling and Optimization of Reacting Flows "ProMO Lab" (www.promo.unsw.edu.au). He published over 200 peer-reviewed papers in top-tier multidisciplinary journals with h-index 38 as of 2022, secures 12 ARC and >15 highly competitive research grants from ACARP/ARENA/BAJC, in total over AUD 27M, established industry engagements in Australia and overseas, and won several honours and highly-competitive national fellowships e.g. ARC APDI Fellowship (2012) and ARC Future Fellowship (2019). His group designed and scaled-up several new technologies of iron ore and coal/biomass utilization and reactor design which have been implemented and practiced with measurable benefits. He is selected as president of Australian Particle Technology Society, Chartered member IChemE, TMS, AIST, and invited/plenary speakers in several international conferences.