Ying-Jin Yuan is a Professor of Biochemical Engineering and Vice President of Research at Tianjin University. He is also the Director for Key Lab of Systems Bioengineering (Ministry of Education) and Dean of Institute of Science and Technology Development at the university. Dr. Yuan received his Bachelors, Masters, and Ph.D. from Tianjin University.
His previous appointments include being Director of Science and Technology Division, Dean of School of Chemical Engineering and Technology, Vice-chair of Department of Biochemical Engineering, Chairman of Institute of Nature Products and Biochemical Engineering at Tianjin University, and being a Visiting Professor of Chemical Engineering at Massachusetts Institute of Technology.
Dr. Yuan is the recipient of numerous awards, including the leader of the National Creative Group Fund from NSFC, chief scientist of the National Basic Research Program, chief scientist of the major High Tech R&D Program on Synthetic Biology, International Genetic Engineering Machine (iGEM) competition - two Gold metals, one Bronze medal, Best Energy Project and Best Poster awards, 2nd prize award for Technological Invention in Tianjin, IChemE Fellow, three National Teaching Achievement Awards for Higher Education, Rice International Visiting Fellow on Energy, the Environment, and Sustainability, and National Distinguished Teacher award. His other achievements include being a recipient of the NSFC Outstanding Scholar Funds, Tianjin Municipal Government Endowed Professor and Endowed Professor of Biochemical Engineering, Tianjin Municipal Government Distinguished Scholar Award, State Council Special Allowance Award, Ministry of Human Resources Outstanding Scholar Award, Ministry of Education Young Talented Scholar Award, Tianjin Municipal Government "Labor Day" medal, and Outstanding Teacher from Tianjin Municipal Government and Tianjin University.
His professional service includes being an Associate Editor of Frontiers of Chemical Engineering and Science, and serving on the Editorial Board of Chemical Engineering and Processing, Chemical Engineering and Processing: Process Identification and Biofuels, Bioproducts, and Biorefining-Biofpr. He is a member of AIChE, ACS, AAAS, the New York Academy oc Science (2008-2010) and Biophysical Association. He has published numerous articles, including in leading journals like Science.