Prof. Young-Kwon Park received his B.S., M.S., and Ph.D. from the Chemical Engineering of Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology in 1992, 1994, and 1999, respectively. Then Prof. Park worked at Industrial Technology Institute of Hyundai Heavy Industries as a senior researcher. Since 2002, Prof. Park has been employed as a Professor in the School of Environmental Engineering of The University of Seoul, Korea. His current research interests include nanoparticle preparation, environmental catalysis, pyrolysis/gasification of wastes and catalytic process for renewable energy. Prof. Park has published more than 300 journal articles. Prof. Park has served as deputy editor of Korean Journal of Chemical Engineering (SCIE listed) and editor of Applied Chemistry for Engineering (ESCI listed). Currently, he is also serving as the chairman of the division of Energy & Environment of the Korea Institute of Chemical Engineers.