Dr. Zeinab Jahed is currently an Assistant Professor of Chemical and Nano engineering, at the Jacobs School of Engineering at the University of California, San Diego. She completed her Postdoctoral Research Fellowship in the department of Chemistry at Stanford University in 2020. She obtained her PhD in Applied Science and Technology at the University of California, Berkeley in the Departments of Mechanical and Bioengineering in 2018. Before moving to sunny California, Zeinab obtained her Bachelor degree up north at the University of Waterloo in Canada, where she was affiliated with the departments of Mechanical and Mechatronics Engineering, and Chemical Engineering. Dr. Jahed's research is heavily multidisciplinary and spans several fields of engineering and biological sciences. Her lab, the Bio-Nanoelectronics (Bione) Lab aims to develop rationally designed nanoscale devices that more intelligently interface with biological systems to manipulate and sense biological processes. She has obtained several academic honors and awards. In 2022 she was awarded the Air Force Young Investigator Award and selected as a Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) Riser. In 2018, she was named 1 of 24 recipients (top 0.05%) of Canada’s Banting Postdoctoral Fellowship, and ranked #1 nationally in the selection committee for Chemical, Biomedical and Material Science and Engineering in the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada (NSERC) Postdoctoral Fellowship competition. Other notable and recent awards include the University of California, Berkeley Applied Science & Technology Excellence in Research Award in 2018, and the University of California Cancer Research Coordinating Committee (CRCC) predoctoral fellowship award in 2017.