Spring 2021 Virtual Seminar - Session 2 | AIChE

Spring 2021 Virtual Seminar - Session 2

Friday, May 21, 2021,
8:00am to 12:00pm
Virtual / Online

An Overview of Fired Heaters


Topic 1:   Burner Design, Presented by Chris Parker, Applications Engineer, Zeeoc Inc. (1.5 Hours).  This presentation begins with burner design and configuration for the different fired-heater types including natural draft; mechanical draft with preheat; and mechanical draft without preheat, etc. Burner design considerations are discussed for proper heat flux distribution. Optimization of burner count, orientation, layout, and size are provided from a burner manufacturer’s perspective. A discussion of flame characteristics will be provided including flame pattern, flame shape, flame length, and flame radiation boundary. An applied approach of radiation theory to practical burner design is explained. The presentation concludes with the latest on CFD modeling. Various system configurations and applications will also be discussed in detail.


Topic 2: Fired Heater Design - Heaters + Reformers, Presented by Rasik Patel, Vice President, Process Technology, Primoris OnQuest (2.5 Hours).  This presentation will include latest on fired-heater design including reformers and furnaces. Fired-heater design considerations will be presented for maximum capacity and efficiency including firebox geometries, forced draft convection, and induced draft convection alternatives. Retrofit and revamp of existing furnaces and reformers is included with successful modification examples already implemented. Proper burner air supply and fuel supply distribution design alternatives are discussed. An overall heat balance on a furnace is presented. An overall heat balance on a reformer is presented. Various system configurations and applications will also be discussed in detail.

Presenter Bios

Chris Parker obtained his Bachelor’s Degree in Mechanical Engineering with a minor in Petroleum Engineering from Oklahoma State University. He has been involved with the combustion industry as an employee of Zeeco for approximately nine years. During his time at Zeeco, Chris has worked as a Test Facility Engineer in Zeeco’s Research and Test Facility for two and a half years before moving into Applications Engineering in the Process Burners Division. In his previous role within Zeeco, Chris, as a Test Facility Engineer, orchestrated the testing and development of various combustion equipment. This role included developing new products and testing existing equipment that would be used by the refining and petrochemical industries. As an applications engineer in the process burner division, Chris determines the initial design, cost estimation, and commercial negotiation for burners used in process heaters.

Rasik Patel is the Vice President of Process Technology with Primoris OnQuest located in the San Dimas, CA. He has 36 years of experience in the design of direct fired process heaters, coker heaters, steam methane reformers and pyrolysis furnaces for the refining and petrochemical industries. He is an active member in the heat transfer sub-group of the API task force working on Fired Heater standards. He holds a Master of Science degree in Chemical Engineering from the Imperial College of Science & Technology, University of London, England.

Cost: $20 for Technical/Professional Society Members by May 16, 2021.  $25 for Non-Members by May 16, 2021.  $30 Regular Registration after May 16, 2021.

Refund Policy: Advance registration is 100% refundable with notice at least 12 days prior to the date of the seminar. Notice received between 11-May-2021 and 20-May-2021 is 50% refundable. No refunds on day of the seminar.

Cancellation: AIChE reserves the right to cancel this seminar if low attendance is projected. A full refund will be provided if this occurs.

Meeting login information will be provided via email within 24 hours of the seminar.

Additional Information: Topic details may change without prior notice. Full event registration only. Registration fees will not be reduced for partial attendance. Attendance will be recorded. PDH (Professional Development Hour) certificates will be issued based upon recorded attendance, with Hours reflecting actual attendance.

Questions: Contact Seminar Coordinator Armand Melikyan