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Who is this site for?

We've targeted this site at Ph.D students and Postdoctoral researchers nearing the completion of their appointment and looking for a faculty position in academia. Although people either in industry, or in an existing faculty appointments, who are looking to switch careers (e.g., a research professor interested in a tenure track) may also find it interesting. We hope that the information provided helps you in your job search.

What's this site about?

The “ChE Faculty Candidates Resource Center” is a place where candidates can find answers to just about any question they have about the job search process - starting with statistics about the candidates themselves and academic salaries, to information about the internal workings of the hiring process. We also have first- person accounts of interview experiences and pointers for what are the attributes of a good academic packet vs. common mistakes made by applicants.

What’s the Meet the Faculty Candidate Poster session?

The Meet the Faculty Candidate poster session is an annual poster session that provides a great opportunity for faculty, recruiters, and Department Chairs to speak directly with current graduate students and postdoctoral researchers who are seeking faculty positions.  It is currently being run by Prof. Sundar Madihally (Oklahoma State University) and Roman Voronov (New Jersey Institute of Technology).

Who is Roman Voronov?

Roman S. Voronov is an Assistant Professor at the New Jersey Institute of Technology. Prior to his appointment, he was a AHA Postdoctoral Fellow in the Department of Chemical & Biomolecular Engineering at the University of Pennsylvania under the guidance of Prof. Scott Diamond.  His research interests encompass high performance image-based modeling of complex flows with applications ranging from bone tissue engineering, to blood systems biology, to drug delivery.  Prior to joining UPenn, Dr. Voronov held a brief post-doctoral appointment at the University of Oklahoma (OU) studying enhanced oil recovery from porous rock formations (Advanced Energy Consortium). 

He received his PhD in 2010, MS in 2006, and BS (Summa Cum Laude with a Minor in Physics) in 2003 in Chemical Engineering from OU.  His dissertation research involved optimization of culturing conditions for artificial bone tissue using computational fluid dynamics (NSF), and his thesis concentrated on relating slip phenomena to contact angle on superhydrophobic surfaces via molecular dynamics (ONR-NAVY).

Throughout his career Dr. Voronov has held several leadership posts at OU, including, Graduate Senator (Peer-elected position, ’05-‘06) and Chemical Engineering Graduate Society Officer. Among the awards received by Dr. Voronov are the NSF Engineering in Practice teaching fellowship, the LBNL-DOE 2009 Advanced CompuTational Software Collection Workshop Fellowship, and the OU Outstanding Graduate Teaching Assistant Award – (Campus-wide, Spring ’06).

View Roman Voronov's NJIT webpage

Why is Roman running this site?

Prof. Voronov’s interest in helping faculty candidates began when he himself was a Ph.D. student going through the same job-searching process.  At that time Voronov was frustrated by the lack of a centralized help-resource, or any examples of what an academic packet should even look like.  Thus, during his postdoctoral appointment, he began to get involved with chairing the “Meet the Faculty Candidate Poster Session” –an opportunity for the candidates to exhibit themselves in front of potential employers -  at the AIChE Annual Conferences.  Ultimately, after having gone through the job-search cycle multiple times, he became faculty and decided to share the accumulated experiences in a blog format.  As more he answered more and more questions from candidates, and was exposed to the “other side of the fence” point of view via serving on three search committees, the blog evolved into the “ChE Faculty Candidates Resource Center” hosted by AIChE.