MAC 30th Anniversary & Awards | AIChE

MAC 30th Anniversary & Awards

Submit Nominations for MAC 30th Anniversary Awards!

MAC is celebrating its 30th Anniversary!

A grand celebration is planned for the 2021 Annual Meeting in Boston, MA. Check here throughout the year for updates on events, webinars, social media, interviews with pioneers and many other exciting content. In the meantime, help us honor our founders as well as our dedicated volunteers by submitting nominations for the special AIChE MAC 30 Year Anniversary Awards!


In honor of the instrumental founders of MAC, we invite nominations and application for the AIChE MAC 30th Anniversary Awards. This award aims to celebrate excellence and dedication by members of traditionally underrepresented groups to the chemical engineering profession over the past three decades, and beyond. The award categories include achievements between the years: 

  2011 – 2020 (honoring founder James Wei)

Nomination form

2001 – 2010 (honoring founder Gerry Lessells)

Nomination form

pre-1990 – 2000 (honoring founder Henry Brown)

Nomination form

Deadline: June 15th, 2021

Who is eligible?

  • Nominees should be part of the following racial and ethnic groups—Blacks, Hispanics, Pacific Islander, Native Americans, and Alaska Natives. In addition, women and persons with disabilities are highly encouraged to apply.
  • Nominees should ideally be a member of AIChE and belong to any division. Nominees that have contributed to MAC in roles such as leadership, mentorship and volunteering are highly encouraged.
  • Nominees can be from diverse sectors (e.g., academia, government, consulting, non-profit organizations, engineering design, industry, etc.).

How to apply?

  • Nominate a peer and/or self-nomination.
  • Nominees should complete a nomination packet under the selected decade in which the candidate made their contributions.
What Does the Nomination Form Include?
  1. Nominee information – name/address/phone/e-mail address
  2. CV and a professional headshot (for future marketing purposes).
  3. Nominees should show current or past evidence of contributions and impact to the fields of chemical engineering, science, technology, engineering education (e.g., Publications, patents, projects, white papers, blogs, videos, etc., Conference presentations, posters, papers, Science communication, Awards and honors, etc.).
  4. Nominees should show current or past evidence of leadership in the field of chemical engineering, science, technology, and engineering education (e.g., Serves/Served as a positive role model through routine mentoring of peers, Serves/Served as a mentor to Post-Docs, Teaching Assistants, Staff, or Students Serves/Served in a leadership role within their professional associations, Awards and honors, etc.).
  5. Current or past contributions to broadening participation of underrepresented minorities in chemical engineering, science, technology, engineering education (e.g., community or K-12 outreach, mentorship of underrepresented undergraduate, graduate, postdocs, or professionals, service towards Equity, Diversity and Inclusion (EDI), established research or programs in EDI, projects that impact underrepresented communities, etc.)

What happens if you are selected? As tokens of our appreciation, here is what the recipients will receive:
  • $1K award for the top 3 award winners, one from each category,
  • Top three winners will join a six-member panel, which includes three distinguished MAC Pioneers.
  • Top 5 from each category will be featured in the MAC 30 anniversary booklet
  • Top 5 from each category will be recognized with a Plaque from each corresponding Founder.

We look forward to announcing the winners this fall and recognizing them at the 2021 Annual Meeting in Boston, MA (providing we can gather in-person).


Should you have any questions, please contact the 30th Anniversary Co-Chairs, Manuela Ayee,, and/or Sipho Ndlela,