A1.1 Background on the EBPC
Historical notes
The AIChE Program Committee (PC) and the Executive Board of the Program Committee (EBPC), together with the AIChE Program Development and Meetings staff, are responsible for the planning and programming of all meetings (with exception of those conducted by AIChE Industrial Technology Groups, such as the Society for Biological Engineering, the Institute for Sustainability, and the Center for Chemical Process Safety). These groups are also responsible for maintaining manuals describing policies and procedures for the EBPC, and for training the Meeting Program Chairs, General Arrangement Chairs, Division/Forum Program Chairs, Area Chairs and Session Chairs.
Prior to 1989, the EBPC was composed only of the Past Chair, Chair, First Vice Chair and Second Vice Chair. The executive committee's primary efforts were directed toward the management of AIChE's Spring and Annual Meetings with little time for strategic planning, evaluation of the meetings or training. In response to the 1988 Meetings Task Force Report, EBPC was reorganized, expanding its membership to address these new missions.
EBPC was reorganized in 1989 into two parallel committees, which reported to the Chair. These committees were: an Implementation Committee and a Planning Committee, each with three members and chaired by a Vice Chair. To accomplish the goals set forth in the 1988 Meetings Task Force Report, each member of these two committees was assigned specific functions. These functions included training, evaluation, and appointments for the Implementation Committee; and strategic planning, meeting formats, and interaction/programming with other societies for the Planning Committee. The chairs of these two committees were assigned these responsibilities when they were elected as officers in EBPC, i.e., the chair of the implementation committee would be the second vice chair one year and the first vice chair the next year, to preserve the continuity and consistency within each committee. The EBPC was enlarged to include six subcommittee chairs for the Implementation and Planning Committees, and included AIChE staff directors who were associated with the programming efforts of AIChE. Various committees of the PC -- the Meeting Program Chairs' Committee, the Division Programming Chairs Committee, and the Group Programming Chairs Committee -- were in turn chaired by the officers of the PC.
The complicated structure above did not reflect how the EBPC and the PC actually operated, so the Training Committee developed the present structure in 1995, described in the Manual.
The 1996 manual and appendices were last revised and updated in 2005. Continuing updates will be maintained continuously in the future, and reviewed every two years with the 1st Vice Chair as the coordinator for this review.
Current members of the EBPC
Officers (voting):
- Leo Chiang (Dow), Chair
- Angela Brown (Lehigh University), 1st Vice-Chair
- TBD, 2nd Vice-Chair
- Dave Thompson (Idaho National Lab), Immediate Past Chair
- Stephanie Orvoine-Couvrette (AIChE), Secretary
Directors-at-Large (voting):
- 2021-2023 Shannon Servoss (University of Arkansas)
- 2021-2023 Kirtan Trivedi (Exxonmobil)
- 2020-2022 Kishori Deshpande (Dow)
- 2020-2022 Venkat Bhethanabotla (University of South Florida)
- 2019-2021 Azita Ahmadzadeh (Honeywell UOP)
- 2019-2021 Sipho Ndlela (Alternative Energy for Afrika (AEFA Inc.))
EBPC Ex-Officio (nonvoting) Members:
- Jeff Wood, AIChE Director of Meetings
- Tim Anderson, Fellows Liaison
- Ray Smith, RANTC Liaison
- JoAnn Lighty, CTOC Liaison
- Mark Stadtherr, Publications Committee Liaison
- Victor Breedveld, Student Chapters Committee Liaison
- Justin Canna, AIChE Program Development - Spring
- Cody Hirashima, AIChE Program Development - Annual
- Kelsey Kettelhut, AIChE Program Development - Annual
- Kaytlin Henry, Young Professionals - Spring 2019
- Puneeth Guruprasad, Young Professionals - Annual 2021
Program Chairs and Vice Chairs of Currently Active Spring and Annual Meetings:
Juben Chheda and Ivan Castillo, 2021 Spring Meeting
Richard Braatz and Lucas Landherr, 2021 Annual Meeting, Boston, MA
Chairs of the PC/EBPC (No AIChE records on PC Chairs between 1944 and 1983)
2020 Dave Thompson
2019 Ian Glasgow
2018 Robert Parker
2017 JoAnn Lighty
2016 Gregory Yeo
2015 Winston Ho
2014 Vince Grassi
2013 Jennifer Sinclair Curtis
2012 Christine B. Seymour
2011 Jim Davis
2010 Andre DaCosta
2009 Mike Malone
2008 Cheryl Teich
2007 Rex Reklaitis
2006 Robert E. Hoch
2005 Phillip R. Westmoreland
2004 George Liebermann
2003 Mark McCready
2002 Herb Epstein
2001 Herb Epstein
2000 Sangtae Kim
1999 Dennis Griffith
1998 David A. Rosenthal
1997 Timothy J. Anderson
1996 William D. Byers
1995 Peter R. Pujado
1994 Dale L. Keairns
1993 Danny D. Reible
1992 Rayford G. Anthony
1991 Alfred E. Wechsler/J.R. Hopper
1990 Jack R. Hopper
1989 Theodore M. Fosberg
1988 Basil C. Doumas
1987 Gary C. April
1986 Verle N. Schrodt
1985 Edward C. Hohmann, Jr.
1984 James A. Finneran
1983 William W. Grimes
A1.2 Current list of Programming Groups and Areas
Group 1. Engineering Sciences and Fundamentals
Area 1a - Thermodynamics and Transport Properties
Area 1c - Interfacial Phenomena
Area 1d - Transport Processes
Area 1e - Electrochemical Fundamentals
Area 1f - High Pressure
Area 1g - Low Pressure
Area 1j - Fluid Mechanics
Group 2. Separations Division (SEP)
Area 2a - Distillation and Absorption
Area 2b - Crystallization and Evaporation
Area 2c - Extraction
Area 2d - Membrane-Based Separations
Area 2e - Adsorption and Ion Exchange
Area 2f - Fluid-Particle Separations
Area 2g - Bio Separations
Area 2h - General Topics and Other Methods
Group 3. Particle Technology Forum (PTF)
Area 3a - Particle Production & Characterization
Area 3b - Fluidization and Fluid-Particle Systems
Area 3c - Solids Flow, Handling and Processing
Area 3d - Nanoparticles
Area 3e - Energetics
Group 4. Education Division (EDU)
Area 4a - Undergraduate Education
Area 4b - Graduate Education
Area 4f - Chemical Engineering History
Area 4g - Professional Development Committee
Area 4h - Career Guidance Committee Liaison
Area 4i - Student Chapters Committee Liaison
Area 4j - Continuing Education Advisory Committee Liaison
Area 4k - Department Heads Forum
Area 4l - Chemical Engineering Education Projects Committee Liaison
Area 4m - Young Faculty Forum
Group 5. Management Division (MGT)
Area 5a – Professional Development
Area 5b - Marketing Section
Area 5c - Entrepreneurial Forum
Group 6. North American Mixing Forum (NAMF)
Group 7. Transport and Energy Processes Division (TEP)
Area 7a - Multi-Phase/Complex FluidsTransport
Area 7b - Emerging Energy Processes
Area 7c - Interfacial Transport
Area 7d - Biotechnology and Microsystems
Area 7e - Fouling in Process Industry
Area 7f - Alternative Energy and Fuel Cells
Group 8. Materials Engineering and Sciences Division (MESD)
Area 8a - Polymers
Area 8b - Biomaterials
Area 8d – Inorganic Materials
Area 8e - Electronics and Photonics
Area 8f - Composites
Group 9. Environmental Division (ENV)
Area 9a - Air
Area 9b - Water
Area 9c - Solid Waste
Area 9d - Process Development
Area 9e - Legislation and Regulation
Area 9f – Fundamentals
Area 9g - Sustainability
Area 9h – Climate Change
Area 9i – Fundamentals of Environmental Biotechnology
Group 10. Computing and Systems Technology Division (CAST)
Area 10a - Systems and Process Design
Area 10b - Systems and Process Control
Area 10c - Computers in Operations and Information Processing
Area 10d - Applied Mathematics and Numerical Analysis
Area 10e - Information Management and Intelligent Systems
Group 11. Safety & Health Division (S&H)
Area 11a - Loss Prevention & Process Safety
Area 11c - Safety in Ammonia Plants and Related Facilities
Group 12. Process Development (PDD)
Area 12a - Process Research and Innovation
Area 12b - Pilot Plants
Area 12c/d - Technology Transfer and Manufacturing
Area 12e/f - Process Intensification and Microprocess Engineering
Area 12g- Product Design
Group 14. Nuclear Engineering Division (NED)
Group 15. Food, Pharmaceutical & Bioengineering Division (FP&BD)
Area 15a - Food
Area 15b - Pharmaceuticals
Area 15c - Biochemical Engineering
Areas 15d - Engineering Fundamentals in Life Science
Group 16. Fuels & Petrochemicals Division (F&PD)
Area 16a – Petroleum (Topical 7 on Refinery Processing, Spring Meeting)
Area 16b – Petrochemicals (Group 16 on Aromatics and Petrochemicals, Spring Meeting)
Area 16c – Gas (Topical 6 on Gas Utilization, Spring Meeting)
Area 16d – Alternate Fuels and New Technology (Group 16, all F&PD, Annual Meeting)
Area 16e – Non-Technical (Annual Student Conference, Annual Meeting)
Group 17. Forest and Plant Bioproducts Division (F&PB)
Group 18. Liaison Functions
Area 18a - Miscellaneous
Area 18b - Government Relations Committee
Area 18c - Young Professionals Committee (YPC)
Area 18d - Publication Committee
Area 18e - Awards Committee
Area 18f - Offshore Technology Conference
Area 18g - Public Relations Committee
Area 18h - Professional Development Committee
Area 18i - International Activities Committee
Area 18j - Research and New Technology Committee
Area 18k - Keynotes and Plenaries
Area 18m - Women's Initiatives Committee
Group 20. Catalysis & Reaction Engineering Division (CRE)
Group 21. Computational Molecular Sciences and Engineering Forum (CoMSEF)
Group 22. Nanoscale Science and Engineering Forum (NSEF)
Area 22a - Carbon Nanomaterials
Area 22b - Bionanotechnology
Area 22c - Nanowires
Group 23. Sustainable Engineering Forum (SEF)
Area 23a - General
Area 23b - Sustainable Biorefineries
Area 23c - Sustainable Energy
Group 24. Chemical Engineering & the Law Forum (ChE&L)
Group 25. Upstream Engineering and Flow Assurance Forum (UE&FA)
Group 26. Pharmaceutical Discovery, Development and Manufacturing Forum (PD2M)
Former Groups and Areas that have been discontinued include:
Area 1b – Kinetics and Catalysis [which became Group 20]
Area 1k - Coating Process Science & Technology
Area 7k - Process Intensification [moved to Group 12]
Area 7h - New Challenges in Enhanced Heat Transfer
Area 7j - Combustion
Area 7k - Heat Transfer Applications
Area 7l - Equipment and Practices
Area 7m - Fouling
Area 7n - Process Energy Efficiency
Area 7o - Polymer Heat Transfer
Area 7p - Emerging Technology
Area 7q - Biotechnology
Area 7r - Space Technology
Area 7s - Materials Processing
Group 13 – Processes and Products
Area 13a - Metals, Minerals, and Inorganic Chemicals
Area 13b - Sulfuric/Phosphoric Acid Plant Operations
Area 13c - Cryogenics
Area 13d - Agricultural Chemicals
Group 19 – Engineering & Construction Contracting Division
A1.3 The Institute Lecture
1. Each year a member of the Institute is invited by the Executive Board of the AIChE Program Committee (EBPC) to present a comprehensive, authoritative review of the chemical engineering science in his or her field of specialization. This presentation is the Institute Lecture. (http://www.aiche.org/community/awards/institute-lecturer-award)
2. The Institute Lecture is delivered as an unopposed event (no events may compete against the lecture, including ancillary events) at the Annual Meeting. The Chair of EBPC presides at the session and normally introduces the lecturer, and the MPC is co-chair of the session. The length of time allocated for this session is normally one hour. The Institute Lecture is the most prestigious award given by the AIChE Program Committee and consists of a $2000 honorarium and plaque presented at the lecture, in addition to waiver of the meeting registration fee.
3. The Institute Lecturer shall submit a manuscript based on the lecture to either the AIChE Journal or Chemical Engineering Progress, whichever is more appropriate, to be considered for publication as a review article. The editors should be consulted to determine proper format.
4. Nominations for Institute Lecturer may be made by any member of the Institute and will be accepted at any time with a deadline for consideration of February 15 in the year of the lecture. A letter of nomination and any supporting materials should be sent to the Institute Lecture Committee at programming@aiche.org. Nominations will be kept active for three years after their receipt.
5. Selection of the Institute Lecturer is made by EBPC using the following procedure:
a) The Institute Lecture Committee is constituted by the Chair of EBPC in January, prior to the February 15 deadline. The Past Chair of EBPC is chair of the Institute Lecture Committee, and there will be at least two additional members. One of these members is the MPC for the Annual Meeting at which the lecture is to be delivered, and at least one member must also be a member of the AIChE Awards Committee.
b) The Institute Lecture Committee submits a ranked slate of candidates for consideration by the EBPC within one month after the February 15 deadline. The slate will include all active nominations received from members of the Institute, as well as any other candidates the subcommittee wishes to include. A recommendation for the Institute lecturer and two alternates will be chosen by the EBPC at this time.
c) The invitation to be Institute Lecturer will then be extended to the selected candidate at the earliest possible date by the Chair of EBPC and MPC of the meeting in which the Lecture will be given. If the invitation should be declined, they will then approach the alternate candidates. If all candidates decline, the Chair of the EBPC may select the Lecturer in consultation with the Institute Lecture Committee.
d) The Chair of EBPC is responsible for presiding over the session, along with the meeting’s MPC, and for communications with the Lecturer, which include conveying details of the time and place of the lecture and recommending procedures for publication of the manuscript.
e) Criteria for selection of the Institute Lecturer include the quality and relevance of the accomplishments of the lecturer in the technical field likely to be the subject of the lecture, the communication skills of the lecturer, and the value of the lecture to the meeting attendees and the members of the Institute.
6. The Institute Lecturer will be announced no later than the time that the meeting program goes to press. It will be included on the AIChE web page and other announcements about the program content of the Annual Meeting.
A1.4 George Lappin Program Committee Award (adopted January 1998)
Description and Selection Criteria
The Executive Board of the Program Committee presents this service award in memory of George Lappin and his long and selfless service on behalf of AIChE and its national and local programming efforts. More information regarding the award can be found at http://www.aiche.org/community/awards/program-committees-george-lappin-p....
The award consists of a plaque and $500 and is presented at the Spring Meeting of AIChE.
Selection Criteria include:
• Meritorious service on behalf of AIChE meeting programming.
• Effectiveness and value of programming services to AIChE and its members.
• Commitment to the true spirit of volunteerism.
• Dedication to the profession of chemical engineering.
• Significant record of extraordinary efforts in support of technical information exchange.
Selection Committee: The nominee will be reviewed in the month of February of the year the award is to be presented at the Spring Meeting by a panel chaired by the EBPC Past Chair (as of the submission date) and the Chair of EBPC, Secretary of EBPC, and a previous Lappin Award winner. The award winner will be notified by the Chair of EBPC or the Secretary of EBPC at the earliest possible date. The award will be presented by the Chair of EBPC or the Secretary of EBPC at an appropriate occasion during the Spring or Annual meeting.
Sponsor: AIChE Program Committee
Frequency: Generally to be awarded once per year provided there are suitable candidates.
Deadline: February 15. Submit the completed standard AIChE nomination forms to the Program Development Director, programming@aiche.org.
A1.5 Herbie Epstein Award (adopted Summer 2007)
Description and Selection Criteria: The Executive Board of the AIChE Program Committee presents this award in Honor of Herbie Epstein and his long and selfless service on behalf of AIChE and its members. The award consists of a plaque and $500 and is presented at the Spring Meeting of AIChE by the President of AIChE (or by the Chair or Secretary of EBPC) and a representative of the company sponsoring the award at an appropriate occasion during the Spring Meeting. For more information about the award, go to http://www.aiche.org/community/awards/program-committees-herb-epstein-aw....
Selection Criteria include:
- Meritorious contribution to a technical programming event or task accomplished within two years of the nomination date.
- Value of this programming event or task to AIChE and its members and the profession of chemical engineering.
- Compliance to a spirit of volunteerism.
- Demonstrated dedication to the profession of chemical engineering.
Selection Committee: The nomination will be reviewed in the month of February of the year the award is to be presented at the Spring Meeting by a panel chaired by the EBPC Past Chair (as of the review) and the Chair of EBPC, Secretary of EBPC, and one or more additional member appointed at the discretion of the Chair of EBPC. The award winner will be notified by the Chair of EBPC or the Secretary of EBPC at the earliest possible date.
Sponsor: Program Committee and, if available, Corporate Sponsorship
Frequency: Generally to be awarded once per year provided there are suitable candidates.
Deadline: February 15. Submit the completed standard AIChE nomination forms to the Program Development Director, programming@aiche.org.
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