2020 CAST Division Awards | AIChE

2020 CAST Division Awards

We are delighted to announce the recipients of the 2020 AIChE CAST Division Awards. Please congratulate the 2020 recipients:

Computing in Chemical Engineering Award: Mahmoud M. El-Halwagi, Texas A&M University

Computing Practice Award: John Siirola, Sandia National Laboratories

David Himmelblau Award for Innovations in Computer-Based Chemical Engineering Education: Daniel E. Rivera, Arizona State University

CAST Outstanding Young Researcher Award: Ruth Misener, Imperial College London

W. David Smith Jr. Graduate Publication Award: Kamil Khan, McMaster University and Blake Rawlings, Sandia National Laboratories

     Rawlings, B.C. and Ydstie, B.E., 2017. Falsification of combined invariance and reachability specifications in hybrid control systems. Discrete Event Dynamic Systems, pp.1-17.

     Khan, K.A. and Barton, P.I., 2015. “A vector forward mode of automatic differentiation for generalized derivative evaluation”, Optimization Methods and Software, 30(6):1185—1212.