CAST 2023 Election Results | AIChE

CAST 2023 Election Results

We are pleased to announce the 2023 CAST Election Results:

- 2024 Chair: Prodromos Daoutidis

- 2024 1st Vice Chair: Selen Cremaschi

- 2024 2nd Vice Chair: Rahul Bindlish

- 2024-2026 Directors: Helen Durand and Dimitrios Georgis

- 2024-2025 Secretary/Treasurer: Juergen Hahn

- 2026 Programming Coordinators

    -- 10A: Qi Zhang

    -- 10B: Wentao Tang

    -- 10C: Styliani Avraamidou (2026), Andrew Allman (2027) (voting tie)

    -- 10D: Calvin Tsay

    -- 10E: Miguel A. Zamarripa-Perez

Congratulations to all the winners! 

Thank you all for the participation in the elections!