CAST Spring 2020 Newsletter | AIChE

CAST Spring 2020 Newsletter

Submitted by Martha Grover

Resources for Online Course Material

With Corona virus concerns causing universities to modify format, instructors of chemical engineering courses may find some of these online resources helpful:

Women in PSE

Have you ever wondered why there are so few women in Process Systems Engineering?

CAST Awards Nominations: due April 15

Nominations are being accepted for all five CAST Division Awards for 2020:

  • W. David Smith Jr. Graduate Student Paper Award

  • David Himmelblau Award for Innovations in Computer-Based Chemical Engineering Education

  • Computing Practice Award

  • Computing in Chemical Engineering Award

  • CAST Outstanding Young Researcher Award

The award nomination form and additional information can be found at: Electronic submission of a single PDF file consisting of the nomination form, nomination letter, CV and supporting letters/information should be sent to the CAST Second Vice-Chair, Martha Grover (, by April 15, 2020.

Student Best Presentation Awards

The CAST Division calls for student presentation award nominations. Eight students will be selected as finalists to present a research paper during the AIChE Annual meeting.
Nomination package is due April 15, 2020. Note that the student's AIChE membership number must be a part of the nomination package. The nomination materials must be sent electronically in the form of a single PDF file to: Selen Cremaschi,

Student presentation award finalists will be announced by June 15, 2020. The review process will be coordinated by the Student Presentation Award Chair, and the presentations will be judged by the CAST Directors and other members of the CAST Executive Committee. More information at:

New CAST Leadership in 2020

2019 CAST Awards and Banquet