Frequently Asked Questions | AIChE

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the Environmental Division?

The Environmental Division is one of AIChE’s twenty divisions and forums. The Environmental Division is an organizational gathering place for chemical engineers interested in environmental applications of chemical engineering. Environmental Division members deal with environmental issues in various media (air, water, soil, waste, energy) and in different capacities (industry, academy, government, and consulting).

Main activities of the Environmental Division include:

  • Developing and holding technical sessions for AIChE meetings.
  • Provide live (at AIChE meetings) and virtual networking opportunities for chemical engineers seeking jobs in environmental specialties.
  • Holding special events at meetings such as the Environmental Division banquet, and the recent panel discussion "Chemical Engineering Career Paths: Environmental Sustainability & The Environment."
  • Recognizing the achievements of our members with awards such as the Lawrence K. Cecil Award, and the Graduate Student Paper Award.
  • Assist with the publication and management of the AIChE Journal Environmental Progress & Sustainable Engineering.

How large is the Environmental Divi​sion?

The Environmental Division has approximately 800 members.

When was the Environmental Division founded?

The Environmental Division was founded in 1970.

Who can join the Environmental Division?

Any AIChE member can join the Environmental Division. Click here to join AIChE.

How can I find Environmental Division Programming at the AIChE meetings?

Environmental Division programming can be found in the “technical program” section of any AIChE meeting. The Environmental Division is “Group 09” and our sessions start with the numbers 09.

I'm a chemical engineering student. What does the Environmental Division offer me?

The Environmental Division offers students access to networking opportunities with seasoned and dedicated professionals in all facets of environmental chemical engineering. If you contact an officer, we can match you with a mentor. Mentors can answer questions about finding a job or internship, networking, and graduate school. Undergraduate students who enter posters in Environmental Division sessions at the fall meeting are eligible for the Student Environmental Paper Award. While you don’t need to be a member of the Environmental Division to attend our technical sessions, members (even student members) can be active in selecting, planning and executing technical sessions.

What about the Sustainable Engineering Forum (SEF)?

The Sustainable Engineering Forum is a subgroup of AIChE dedicated to achieving sustainable development with chemical engineering. SEF and the Environmental Division frequently collaborate on technical programming for AIChE meetings. For more information on SEF, see their website.

How can I get involved in the Environmental Division?

Check out our website. If you are interested in volunteering, contact an officer of the Environmental Division.

Who should I contact with other questions about the Environmental Division?

Contact an officer of the Environmental Division. See our current officers, here