2023 CRE Division Election Results | AIChE

2023 CRE Division Election Results

Congratulations to the Newly Elected Officers and Directors of the CRE Division

The Newly Elected Officers and Directors are as Follows:

  • 2nd Vice Chair: Elaine Gomez
  • Secretary/Treasurer: Deeksha Jain
  • Directors: Sarika Goel, Gina Noh, Chip Roberts

Appointment of International, Executive, and Social Media Directors:

In addition to the recently elected directors, the executive committee has re-appointed Marc-Olivier Coppens as the International Director for the CRE Division and Concetta La Marca as Executive Director. Omar Abdelrahman has been re-appointed as the Social Media Director.

Selection of Student Directors:

To further the connection of the CRE division to the needs of our student members and young professionals, Anagha Hunoor and Liz Belden have been named as Student Directors for 2023 to the CRE Division Board.

Appointment of Inclusion Task Force Chair and Vice Chair:

Continuing our ongoing efforts to build an inclusive CRE community with diverse perspectives, the executive committee has appointed Linsey Seitz and Rachel Getman as the Chair and Vice-Chair of the CRE Inclusion Task Force, respectively.

Thank You:

We would like to extend our appreciation and gratitude to Billy Bardin (exiting Secretary & Treasurer), Randall Meyer (exiting Past-Chair), Michele Sarazen, Linsey Seitz, and André D. Taylor (exiting Directors), as well as Jane Shi (exiting Student Director) for their service to the Division over the last several years.

The AIChE CRE Division 2023 Leadership Team:

Division Chair: Anne M. Gaffney

Vice Chair: Bihter Padak

2nd Vice-Chair: Elaine Gomez

Past-Chair: Michael P. Harold

Secretary/Treasurer: Deeksha Jain

Programming Chair: Jesse Bond

Programming Vice-Chair: Rachel Getman

Executive Director: Concetta La Marca

International Director: Marc-Olivier Coppens

Social Media Director: Omar Abdelrahman

Directors: Ana C. Alba-Rubio, Hilal Ezgi Toraman, Kandis Leslie Abdul-Aziz, Beata Kilos, Nick Brunelli, Juan Bravo-Suárez, Sarika Goel, Gina Noh, Chip Roberts

Student Directors: Anagha Hunoor, Liz Belden

Inclusion Task Force Chair: Linsey Seitz

Inclusion Task Force Vice-chair: Rachel Getman

Inclusion Task Force Past-chair: Sheima Khatib

CTOC Liaison: Alissa Park

PAIC Liaison: Phil Westmoreland

YP Liaison: Deeksha Jain

Webmaster: Peng Bai