Hipple receives 2019 Management Division Service Award | AIChE

Hipple receives 2019 Management Division Service Award

Jack Hipple was recognized as the recipient of the 2019 Management Division Service Award at the recent Spring AIChE Meeting. Jack served in several leadership positions in the Division over a long period. The nomination highlighted the fact that Jack was one of the Management Division’s “Go To” people for many years while simultaneously serving AIChE in a number of other ways and being a successful executive, consultant and teacher. The award was presented at the joint dinner of the Management and Environmental Divisions and the Chemical Engineering & the Law Forum during the AIChE Spring Meeting in New Orleans, Louisiana (April 2, 2019).

Jack Hipple (right) received award plaque from Joe Cramer, Management Division Chair (left).

Jack Hipple (right) received award plaque from Joe Cramer, Management Division Chair (left).

Hipple served the division in many capacities including chair, secretary, and programming chair, and continues to be an active volunteer.