Cramer selected for 2021 Management Division Service Award | AIChE

Cramer selected for 2021 Management Division Service Award

Joe Cramer has served the Management Division in various capacities for many years, which resulted in being recognized with the division service award in 2021. In addition to serving as division Chair in 2019, which means he was Vice Chair the previous year and Past Chair in 2020, he also served as Programming Chair since 2014. In recent years he was able to delegate some of the programming tasks to new volunteers, many of which he recruited himself. Joe’s contributions to the Management Division have been very significant and he always volunteers for any new task that is initiated. He has also been part of the division Awards Committee for at least the last five years, helping increase the prestige of the Management Award and the creation of additional division awards.

As we hope to meet in person at the 2021 Annual Meeting in Boston, we will honor Joe Cramer’s accomplishments and contributions to the Management Division at that time.