The Process Safety Division is involved with several publications through AIChE.
1. Process Safety Progress (PSP)
Process Safety Progress covers process safety for engineering professionals. It addresses such topics as incident investigations/case histories, hazardous chemicals management, hazardous leaks prevention, risk assessment, process hazards evaluation, industrial hygiene, fire and explosion analysis, preventive maintenance, vapor cloud dispersion, and regulatory compliance, training, education, and other areas in process safety and loss prevention, including emerging concerns like plant and/or process security.
PS Division members review and publish papers in PSP.
2. Process Safety Division Newsletter - published in PSP
The chair of the Process Safety Division contributes to a quarterly newsletter, included in Process Safety Progress, which provides updates on activities and recognition within the Division.
3. Process Safety Beacon - Published by the Center for Chemical Process Safety (CCPS)
The Process Safety Beacon is a resource aimed at delivering process safety messages to plant operators and other manufacturing personnel. The monthly one-page newsletter covers the breadth of process safety topics.
Process Safety Division members write and edit the issues of the Process Safety Beacon. The issues are translated into more than 40 languages.
4. Book of Beacons - Published by the Center for Chemical Process Safety (CCPS)
The Book of Beacons is an ongoing project intended to use the accumulated knowledge of the Process Safety Beacons as the basis to expand the applications of process safety knowledge. It provides a deeper analysis of each Beacon topic and provides additional information to be used by readers.
The Process Safety Division provides resources, volunteers, who are assisting in this multi-year effort.
5. Chemical Engineering Progress (CEP) – AIChE's flagship publication
CEP publishes practical engineering information with articles covering technical issues such as process safety, environmental management, fluids and solids handling, reactions and separations, information technology, cybersecurity, and more.
Process Safety Division members frequently publish articles in CEP.
6. Symposium/Conference Programming Committees – Tracks Held during the Global Congress of Process Safety (GCPS)
- Plant Process Safety Symposium (PPSS)
- Loss Prevention Symposium (LPS)
- Process Safety Management Mentoring (PSMM)Process Safety Division members present posters and papers, chair sessions, and chair symposiums.
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