Fellows activities at the 2022 Annual Meeting | AIChE

Fellows activities at the 2022 Annual Meeting

Posted by Anthony Fregosi.

The Fellows Council working with the AIChE staff have decided to hold the breakfast on Monday this year to conincide with the AIChE Annual Business Meeting.

The Fellows Breakfast will be a “ticketed in-person” event.

Our Program of events is as shown below:

  •  Fellows Breakfast (Ticketed Event)—(6:30 AM—7:30 AM)
  •  AIChE Annual Business Meeting—(7:30 AM—8:20 AM)
  •  Fellows Council Business Meeting—(8:20 AM—8:30 AM)

 A Fellows Council Program—will be held virtually, one week after the Annual Meeting.

Our goals in making this change is to reduce the redundency of the presentations made by members of the BOD and AIChE Staff and by holding the event on Monday, to keep from having Fellows having to stay an extra day for the event. We also hope this chance will incourage and increase attendence at the annual buisness meeting.

The Fellows Council looks forward to meeting again "In-Person" and hope see many of you in Phoenix!