Notes from November 2020, January and February 2021 FC meetings
November 2020
Assessed November Fellows Gathering as successful.
Student Chapters Committee Breakout led to developing a Task Force on Fellow engagement with students. G. Yeo & J. O’Connell to initiate.
Local Section Committee Breakout described decline of involvement for most Sections. Suggest exploring situations in other societies.
Fellow Nominations Breakout provided information about the process. The FC should help identify likely candidates among entity leaders and reach out to Fellows with advice and suggested candidates; publicize in Newsletter
January 2021
Spring Meeting to be virtual with enhancements
Fellows Gathering
Similar structure to last two Meetings with both program and breakouts.
Actions stimulated by Annual Meeting Breakouts
G. Yeo presented draft of Fellows/Students Task Force Charter
Overall goal, Strategies, Seed list of deliverables, Who
Piloting chapters from contacting Student Chapters Committee leadership
To include Fellows not on FC
FC members H. Connor & R. Ofoli to be on Task Force
Regional Student Conferences upcoming; publicize in Newsletter
Working Group on Nominations
A. Johnston beginning tabulation of known nominations to focus on diversity
Issues about internationals include 10-year continuous membership, service
International Student Chapter advisors might be source
FC members to submit more nominations.
Set recurring monthly time for FC meetings; every four weeks at 10-11 AM Pacific
February 2021
Spring Meeting to be virtual with enhancements
Fellows Gathering
Similar structure to last two Meetings with both program and breakouts.
Breakouts with FC facilitators
Student Program Task Force – G. Yeo
Foundation Task Force -
Fellow Nominations – A. Johnston & Z. Gephardt (See above)
Volunteering Tools – A. Fregosi
Student Chapter engagement Task Force to meet 2/25. (See above)
Fellow Nominations
What information should be provided to whom?
Guidance beyond nomination materials (consult these first!)