Notes from virtual FC meetings in March, April, and May 2021
March 2021
Arrangements for the virtual Fellows Gathering in April were developed.
Leaders’ reports, observance of departed colleagues, and welcoming of new Fellows to be as usual.
Breakouts to engage Fellows in FC activities and provide detailed information were planned: Student Chapter Task Force, Fellow Nominations, Volunteering Tools
Updates on engagement of Fellows in AIChE Entities: Student Chapters, Young Professionals, Women in Engineering, Minority Affairs. Some reports still needed.
A. Johnston is tabulating nominations through personal contact since submission information cannot be released. Statistics about nominator (organization, active entities, home region, employer) of interest.
Student Chapter Task Force developing well.
Suggestion of Outstanding Fellow Award for special leadership by Fellows distinct from other service.
April 2021
Fellows Gathering, April 20.
Similar format to morning Gatherings in 2020
“Fun event” for afternoon
Reminder of May 1 nomination deadline
No FC meeting during Spring event
May 2021
Nominations update:
Service to the chemical engineering profession can be outside of AIChE
Nominators, sponsors and nominees must be dues-paying members at time of submission
International candidates with less than 10 years as Senior Member can be evaluated case-by-case
Dues depend on country; amounts to be better publicized.
An investigation should be made of the Fellows Endowment supporting AIChE Chemical Engineering for Good Challenge (ACE4G) with greater Fellow voice in uses of the funds.
Annual Meeting in Boston, November 2021 will be hybrid with the Student Conference in-person
Live Fellows Breakfast in usual format with virtual Gathering during following week. Whether the Breakfast will be combined with the Annual Business Meeting as proposed for San Francisco, but did not occur, remains to be decided.