AIChE Cleveland Section Outreach Programs 2020
1. Monthly meetings and tours open to public on technical, ethical and social issues
2. North East Ohio Science & Engineering Fair (NEOSEF) Judging & Awards for Chemical Engineering Topics
3. Great Lakes Science Center “Pi Day” National Engineer's Week (NEW) STEM Event on March 14
4. Department of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering, Case School of Engineering, Case Western Reserve University, Senior Capstone Project Internship for four seniors at Xellia Pharmaceuticals (Spring Semester 2020)
5. Department of Chemical and Biomedical Engineering, Washkewicz College of Engineering Cleveland State University, Lunch & Learn 12 Part Series on Current Good Manufacturing Practices for Pharmaceutical Facilities (Fall Semester 2019)
6. AIChE Young Professionals nights out for trivia or social events. Held year round at various locations across the greater Cleveland area when conditions allow.
7. Occasional AIChE shared event with the American Chemical Society (ACS), National Chemistry Week (NCW) for Cleveland city wide experiment demonstrations at Cuyahoga County Libraries children’s grades 3 to 6
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