AIChE Cleveland Section January 2022 Newsletter, Geothermal Energy and Global GE Plant Mapping | AIChE

AIChE Cleveland Section January 2022 Newsletter, Geothermal Energy and Global GE Plant Mapping

The existing oil and gas drilling industry can shift its operations from drilling for oil and gas to drilling for geothermal energy to supply the nation’s needs. The infrastructure, people, and technology already exist to achieve this purpose. There would be no needed infrastructure construction or training or development of technology to begin the process of geothermal drilling. This is a win-win for the oil and gas industry camp as well as for the climate change environmentalist camp. Both camps will get what they need. Over the next 30 years we should be able to achieve our environmental goals to reduce climate change partly by tapping into the earth’s vast energy supply of its molten core. This source of energy may be used for home, building and industry heating as well as steam for electrical power generation that feeds our electrical grid.