Corrosion Resistant Alloys in Process Equipment Design | AIChE

Corrosion Resistant Alloys in Process Equipment Design

Wednesday, November 16, 2011, 5:30pm EST
In-Person / Local
4200 Hillsborough St.
Raleigh, NC 27606
United States
Time Social starts at 5:30 pm, Dinner at 6:30 pm, Lecture at 7 PM
Request Bring your spouse or a guest.
Fee $10 for AIChE members and the first 5 student chapter members.  $15 for non-members for buffet dinner
Limit The event is limited to 50 persons, so RSVP early
RSVP Contact Tim Wallace at or (919) 552-6330 by November 10th. Meeting details can also be found here.

Nick is the Manager of Sales and Projects at Titan Metal Fabricators and a Mechanical Engineering graduate from Californian State University.

This talk will cover reactive metals and high nickel/stainless steels used in industry.

Topics covered will be the benefits of these materials, markets served, applicable design codes, material selection, reactive metal welding, pressure vessel and heat exchanger design.