Tour of Piedmont Bio-fuels | AIChE

Tour of Piedmont Bio-fuels

Wednesday, May 16, 2012, 6:00pm EDT
In-Person / Local
220 Lorax Lane #1
Pittsboro, NC 27312
United States
Time Tour starts at 6:00 pm; Dinner after the tour.
Request Bring your spouse or a guest.
Fee $10 per person for dinner.
Limit The event is limited to 50 persons, so RSVP early
RSVP Contact Tim Wallace at or (919) 552-6330 by May 6th. Meeting details can also be found here.

Link is the Production Engineer at Piedmont Biofuels. The meeting will be a tour of the facility which produces biodiesel from vegetable oil.

The tour will take approximately 1 hour with a technical discussion afterwards. Sandwich wraps will be provided after the tour.