About | AIChE


Mid-Michigan AIChE...Serving Chemical Engineers that Serve the World

Mid-Michigan area is home to over 500 enthusiastic members of AIChE in central and northern Michigan.  Most of us are employees or retirees of Dow Inc., Dupont,  Corteva, Hemlock Semiconductor Group and others. 


To provide opportunities to continuously develop our members professionally while working with the community to improve the understanding of science and engineering and their impact on society.


  • Ensure a self-perpetuating AIChE college scholarship fund.
  • Develop a new primary fundraiser to ensure viability of the section.
  • Increase membership attendance at programs 20%.
  • Contact any officer for more information about our section!


Click here to review the bylaws of the Mid-Michigan Local Section.


The Mid-Michigan AIChE local section was founded in 1952 and has been active ever since.  In 1983, when the National AIChE marked 75 years of service to our profession, the leaders of the Mid-Michigan Section, Gus L. Constan and Fred C. Justice, created a history of the Mid-Michigan section and its contributions at that point. That history, including an overview of our section’s accomplishments to that date, is given in the link below

Mid-Michigan Local Section History

Committee Chairs

Roque Góchez


Jyo Lyn Hor

Past Chair

Kayla Williams


Anagha Hunoor


Miao Wang


Eric Stangland


Shawn Feist


Victor J Sussman


Kimberly Dinh

Equity, Diversity & Inclusion Chair

Preetam Giri

Programming Chair

Rich Helling

Archivist & Continuing Education Chair

Mike Molnar

Awards Committee Chair

Nathan Ng

Membership Committee Chair

Vincent Copeland

Young Professional Outreach Chair

Carlos Escobar

K-12 STEM Education Outreach Chair

Ted Calverley

Scholarships Chair

Laura Basgall

Publicity Chair

Patrick Heider


Navraj Hanspal

Newsletter Editor