Scholarship Reapplication Form | AIChE

Scholarship Reapplication Form

If you are a past year winner of the Undergraduate Chemical Engineering Education Scholarship, you must reapply for your next year's scholarship winnings.

To reapply, fill out the following information accurately to the best of your knowledge and then hit the Submit button. Please only click the Submit button once to avoid submitting duplicate forms. You will need to fill out the application at one sitting because you cannot save your data and return later. It is recommended that you plan your responses offline and then copy/paste into the below form.


Please mail your current transcript to:

AIChE Mid-Michigan Section

Attention: Scholarship Committee

P.O. Box 2496

Midland, MI  48641-2496

You may also electronically send these documents to

Please inform when mailing any document to the above address.


This scholarship will be awarded annually and there is no guarantee that a previous recipient will automatically have their scholarship renewed the following year even if the minimum eligibility requirements have been met. The Mid-Michigan section of AIChE reserves the right to discontinue or modify this scholarship program at any time.

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