CEP Deep-Dive: Improving Water Sustainability with High-Recovery Osmosis | AIChE

CEP Deep-Dive: Improving Water Sustainability with High-Recovery Osmosis

Thursday, August 24, 2023, 6:00pm EDT
Virtual / Online

Join us for our next installment of CEP Deep-Dive, where we give authors of recent CEP articles a chance to explore their topic in more depth. This month, we're joined by Jane Kucera, author of the June 2023 article, Improving Water Sustainability with High-Recovery Reverse Osmosis. The event is scheduled for August 24th at 6PM EDT and will be hosted via zoom (see below).

For questions, email Jimmy Hackett at jhackiv@gmail.com.


Zoom Information:

Zoom Link: https://umd.zoom.us/j/99522266975

Meeting ID: 995 2226 6975

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