CEP-Deep Dive Special Event: A Circular Economy Vision for Next-Gen Nuclear Power | AIChE

CEP-Deep Dive Special Event: A Circular Economy Vision for Next-Gen Nuclear Power

Thursday, October 26, 2023, 6:00pm EDT
In-Person / Local

Join us for our special installment of CEP Deep-Dive, where we will be joined by Vik Singh, Chief Innovation Officer at Curio - a nuclear technology development and innovation company located in Washington, DC. He will speak to the possibilities of processing nuclear waste to circularize the nuclear industry. The event is scheduled for October 26th at 6PM EDT and will be hosted in person at the University of Maryland and via Zoom (see below).

In-Person Details:

  • Event Location:

    ChBE Conference Room (CHBE2113A)

    University of Maryland College Park,

    Chemical and Engineering Building.

  • Parking: Attendees are encouraged to park on the top deck of the Regents Drive Garage. For your convenience, you can follow this link for a direct location to the parking area.

Full Speaker Bio: Vik Singh is a nuclear engineer and astrophysicist by training and serves as Chief Innovation Officer at Curio - a nuclear technology development and innovation company located in Washington, DC. He leads their interdisciplinary R&D team and is the inventor of NuCycle(TM) - Curio's advanced technology for recycling used nuclear fuel. He is inventor/co-inventor of technologies including nuclear power reactors and various chemical reaction equipment under development at Curio. Vik has authored more than a dozen peer-reviewed articles and two book chapters.

For questions, email Jimmy Hackett at jhackiv@gmail.com.


Zoom Information:

Zoom Link: https://umd.zoom.us/j/99522266975

Meeting ID: 995 2226 6975

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