Join the AIChE National Capital Section for a Unique Historical Engineering Tour!
Event: Colvin Run Mill Tour
Date: Sunday, April 27
Time: 11 a.m. - Noon
Location: Colvin Run Mill Historic Site, 10017 Colvin Run Road, Great Falls, VA, 22066
Cost: $12 for Fairfax County residents; $14 for out-of-county
Register by April 13 via Eventbrite: [link]
Spaces Available: 20
Come join the AIChE National Capital Section as time travel back into the world of historic process engineering at the 4-story Colvin Run Mill, an ASME Engineering Landmark. Built around 1811, this mill epitomizes Oliver Evans’ groundbreaking design for extensive automation and is now restored to working order by the Fairfax County Park Authority.
What to Expect:
- A Behind the Scenes tour of all four storeys of Colvin Run Mill
- Insight into the use of water power, integration of unit operations, and the processing of bulk solids and powders (a topic sadly neglected in the ChE standard curriculum!)
- Also in the park are the ca-1809 miller’s house, the late-19th-century general store (where you can buy flour ground on-site), and the more recent barn and blacksmith shop to supplement the historic interpretation.
Note: The mill's passageways are accessible via steep stairs—good for your leg day, but something to consider when planning your visit.
Due to limited space, if more than 10 people register, we'll run parallel tours to ensure everyone gets the full experience.
Don't Miss Out!
Sign up by April 13 and secure your spot on Eventbrite:
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