AIChE North Jersey Dinner Meeting: Job Boards: The Road to Nowhere? & Annual Scholarship Presentations | AIChE

AIChE North Jersey Dinner Meeting: Job Boards: The Road to Nowhere? & Annual Scholarship Presentations

Wednesday, February 17, 2016,
6:00pm to 9:00pm
In-Person / Local
Babbio Center Atrium
Castle Point on Hudson
Hoboken, NJ 07030
United States
There are dozens if not hundreds of Internet-based websites that claim they will help you find a job. Companies like,,,,, etc. all claim to be able to find you the “perfect” position. But do job boards really work? Or is there a better way?
Please join us for a presentation on the importance of networking, and how this methodology can dramatically improve your chances of finding your dream job. The discussion will include tips on how to network effectively and develop your “elevator speech”. Our ice-breaker will help you hone your networking skills and/or identify areas for improvement. Various networking “success stories” will also be presented for additional insight on the benefits of networking. Highlighting this event will be the presentation of scholarships to chemical engineering students from NJIT and Steven’s Institute of Technology.