"Green Fuels for Marine Engines" | AIChE

"Green Fuels for Marine Engines"

Friday, October 22, 2021,
7:00pm to 9:00pm
Virtual / Online

This presentation will highlight the results of an R&D study that looked at liquified natural gas, hydrogen, ammonia, methanol and biofuels as potential "green fuels". The aim of the study was to provide insight as to which of these "green fuels" is the most feasible alternative for short-term and long-term sustainability. These fuels were investigated on the comparison basis criteria of their energy densities, life-cycle analysis, availability, existing infrastructure, safety and cost.

Scheduled Speaker:

Daniela Bushiri

Chemical Engineer - Refinery Automation Institute

Daniela Bushiri is a Chemical Engineer at Refinery Automation Institute (RAI), where she led the R&D work in Marine Green Fuels evaluation. Previously, she was involved in a Gulf Coast refinery blending modernization project. She is a recent Chemical Engineering graduate of NJIT, and is currently pursuing a doctorate in Chemical Engineering at Columbia University in New York. She can be reached at daniela@refautom.com