Webinar: Safer Chemistry Challenge May 21, 2014 | AIChE

Webinar: Safer Chemistry Challenge May 21, 2014

Wednesday, May 21, 2014, 9:30am PDT
Virtual / Online
United States

By Andrew Wineke, communications, Hazardous Waste & Toxics Reduction Program

Often, we focus on chemical hazards after there’s already a problem – a spill, an injury, or an unforeseen environmental impact. When businesses use safer ingredients in their products or eliminate hazardous chemicals used in manufacturing, however, those problems can be avoided in the design stage.

In May, Ecology and the National Pollution Prevention Roundtable will introduce a new program called the Safer Chemistry Challenge to support businesses that are working to create cleaner, safer products.

"Many Washington businesses and organizations already understand that making safer products is a smart business decision," said Ken Zarker, manager of Ecology’s pollution prevention and regulatory assistance section. "By promoting safer products and cleaner manufacturing methods through the Safer Chemistry Challenge, we want to spur innovation and spread best practices." 

The Challenge will offer participants technical assistance with chemical hazard assessments, training and education, and sponsor cross-industry conversations. Businesses and organizations that demonstrate ongoing leadership in pursuing safer chemistry will be honored as “Safer Chemistry Champions.”

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