Building Programs and Friendships in Iraqi Kurdistan | AIChE

Building Programs and Friendships in Iraqi Kurdistan

Tuesday, March 18, 2014,
6:00pm to 9:00pm
In-Person / Local
1975 Mile High Stadium Circle
Denver, CO
United States

Date: Tuesday, March 18th
Time: 6:00 Networking / Check-in
  6:30 Dinner
  7:30 Presentation

Building Programs and Friendships in Iraqi Kurdistan

Speaker: Dr. Clough, Professor and Faculty Athletics Representative, Dept of Chemical and Biological Engineering at University of Colorado, Boulder
Menu: South Western Corn Salad, Mixed Greens & Creamy Cilantro Dressing, Refried Beans with Queso Fundido, Fire Roasted Tomato Rice, Fajita Style Beef OR Grilled Chicken, Taco Bar, Corn and Flour Tortillas, Flan and Sopapillas with Honey. Includes assorted rolls & butter, coffee, decaf, herbal or Iced tea.
Location: Hotel VQ, 1975 Mile High Stadium Circle
Cost: Members $20; Non-members $25; Students & Unemployed $10
  *Add $5 for attending meeting without RSVP

Please RSVP by NOON on FRIDAY, March 14th  (early RSVPs are greatly appreciated!) indicating your name, phone number, and number of attendees.  Please RSVP via email at Or you may use the new option below to RSVP and Pay Online.

New Option -- RSVP and Pay Online:

We have now provided a PayPal link for RSVP and payment. Select your membership level in the PayPal drop down below to pay by credit card. 


Meeting Options
Members $20.00 USDNon-Members $25.00 USDStudents/Unemployed $10.00 USD


Abstract and Biography:

On the heels of the downturn in the Iraq war, a new educational institution was founded in the northern Kurdistan Region, the American University of Iraq – Sulaimani (AUIS). In its original design, AUIS provided a two-year liberal arts core with follow-on degrees in business, information technology, and international affairs. All courses are taught in English and in the style of an American university; consequently, there is a preparatory English program of up-to-two years for those students with limited background in the language.

In 2010, AUIS took on the commitment of adding an engineering degree program and sought help and endorsement from the University of Colorado. Since then, Prof. Clough has served as the consultant architect of the program, which will graduate its first engineers in May 2015. He visits AUIS every six months for a week. In his presentation, he will describe the setting of AUIS, providing background on the Kurdistan Region and Sulaimani. He will describe how the engineering program was designed to accommodate the academic structure of AUIS and adapt to the engineering needs of an emerging society. This description will include curriculum design for two degree programs, design and construction of instructional laboratory facilities, and staffing of the engineering faculty. He will add some interesting observations of Kurdish society and culture.

David Clough has been on the faculty at CU-Boulder for 40 years. His research interests are in control system innovation for a wide variety of processes. He teaches courses from freshman- to graduate-level in the topical areas: instrumentation, process control, applied statistics, fluid mechanics and computing. For 25 years, he has presented over 100 offerings of short courses on spreadsheet problem-solving for ChEs on behalf of the AIChE, both in-person and on-line. For the past eight years, Dr. Clough has served as the Boulder Campus' Faculty Athletics Representative (FAR) with oversight of intercollegiate athletics. His appointment as FAR is 50% time, and he represents CU-Boulder to the NCAA and Pac-12 Conference. Since 2010, Clough has assisted the American University of Iraq – Sulaimani in the creation of a new engineering program.