World H2 day Webinar by AIChE SLS | AIChE

World H2 day Webinar by AIChE SLS

Friday, October 8, 2021, 2:00pm +08
Virtual / Online

World H2 Day Webinar by AIChE SLS

You are invited to join AIChE Singapore Local Section (SLS) webinar on World H2 Day.

Topic #1: Green Hydrogen Production

Human civilization thrives on constant flows of energy and material obtained from natural resources, e.g., fossil fuels, resulting the production of large amounts of wastes. Carbon dioxide, a major one among these wastes, is leading us to climate change. Hydrogen, as a clean fuel option, can help us reduce the carbon emission, known as hydrogen economic. The key to enable the hydrogen economy, is to develop cost-effective technologies for green hydrogen production. In this talk, Dr. Wang will give a brief overview of the current research on green hydrogen production technologies, and the future opportunities and challenges for green hydrogen production.

Speaker #1’s Biography

Wang Lei is an Assistant Professor at the Department of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering in National University of Singapore (NUS).

Topic #2: Catalysts: The Philosopher’s Stones which will Orchestrate a Hydrogen Economy.

Sustainably sourced hydrogen will play a vital role as Singapore’s economy transitions towards carbon neutrality. Hydrogen can be used in vehicular fuel cells, in electricity generation, and for domestic applications. Orchestrating a transition to a hydrogen economy will require new processes in the energy and chemicals sector. These processes will in turn, be enabled through a new generation of catalytic materials. This talk illustrates at a high-level, how computational methods powered by quantum mechanics can guide catalyst discovery for a hydrogen economy. Using hydrogen powered fuel cells as an example, I will discuss our approach towards discovering stable, cost-effective, and high-performance fuel cell catalysts.

Speaker #2’s Biography

Tej Choksi is an Assistant Professor at the School of Chemical and Biomedical Engineering at NTU-Singapore.