The Section has organized a program for the November meeting that features two new technologies in the energy/environmental field. The first is an enhancement to diesel engines that lowers emissions and greatly improves the efficiency of the engine. This bolt-on device allows older style engines to perform as good if not better that some of the newer technologies. It also reduces maintenance requirements and boosts torque. The device controls electrolysis with high efficiency cells that convert a small amount of water into ionized H and OH. It is well known that this gas when introduced into a combustion system greatly improves the flame speed and efficiency; however, the process itself must be precisely controlled. Already in limited production, this device promises new life for older engines.
The second technology is a novel hydrokinetic electrical generation system. This is quite different from a conventional hydro-electric system and is a renewable source that runs 24 hours a day. It is comprised of two separate systems with a transfer of mechanical energy to fluid energy that drives a turbine. The unit would operate in a river and is much smaller and very inexpensive than current technology. Unlike a dam that is used to create the head necessary to run a turbine this system requires no additional head or a water stock. A prototype was tested in the Mississippi River and is under further development.
Working prototypes of each device will be shown. Don’t miss this opportunity to see the future of energy.
Menu – Caesar Salad, Orzo Pasta, Italian Roast Beef w/aus jus, Toasted Ravioli w/marinara, Fresh Baked Rolls & Butter, Coffee, Tea & Water
Cost (credit cards add 1$): $20 local section members, $25 non-members, $10 students
RSVP to Marsha Wisely by November 10 by eMail at or call (314) 553-7265.
Schedule - 5:30 Registration
6:00 Dinner
6:45 Diesel Engine Electrolysis by Ed Stahl
7:30 Hydrokinetic Generation by Pete Moss
8:30 Discussion led by Jerry Loeh
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