Virtual / Online
Presented by Paul Adamson, PhD
Monday December 9, 9:00 to 9:40 PM Eastern US
NOTE: The AIChE Virtual Local Section will be moving to a different online meeting platform in 2020. The Executive Committee thinks Zoom is a good bet but we want to test it before committing to a license. We are testing Zoom by holding this meeting, which is a condensed version of Paul Adamson's October presentation. The meeting will not last longer than 40 minutes and there are no alternate meeting versions.
Python is a general-purpose programming language used extensively in web development, information technology automation, and TECHNICAL COMPUTING. In this presentation, we will explore some applications of Python technical computing in the chemical engineering domain. First, we will learn about some of the various and easy ways to get up and running with Python including the Anaconda Python distribution. Next, we will explore some general technical computing tasks such as importing data, solving systems of equations, plotting results, and writing results to files before we solve some classic chemical engineering problems. If there’s time at the end, we will wrap up with a demonstration of some atypical but perhaps useful techniques such as scraping data from scanned documents and character recognition with deep learning.
Paul Adamson is a researcher and project manager in the Plasma Physics Division of the U.S. Naval Research Laboratory, Washington, D.C. The current focus of his research is computing electron scattering cross sections for air plasma chemistry models using close-coupling methods.
The slides and Jupyter notebooks presented at the webinar are located on Github at Due to time constraints, Paul will only be giving a brief presentation and walking through the McCabe-Thiele example notebook from the Github repo.
This meeting is free and open to all, not just to Virtual Local Section members.
Meeting ID: 667 252 536
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