Mixing Technology Fundamentals | AIChE

Mixing Technology Fundamentals

Tuesday, September 10, 2019,
6:00pm to 8:00pm
In-Person / Local
1041 E. Butler Road
Greenville, SC 29607
United States

Mixers are ubiquitous in chemical plants, and often taken for granted.  Do you know the best mixer design for your application, or how its design affects the performance of your process?

New product processes present challenges in heat transfer, mass transfer, and other challenging process kinetics requiring more sophistication than the repurposed equipment being used to produce them. Philadelphia Mixing Solutions has a track record in modelling, designing and deploying new mixing solutions, in a wide variety of demanding applications. The presentation will explore the principle duties of a mixer:  blending/heat transfer, solids suspension, and dispersion.  It will be shown how mechanical component design (shafts, seals, couplings) and impeller design (radial, axial, mixed, low level) are used to fulfill the principle duties.  Guidelines will then be given for sizing and scale-up of mixing in new product processes.

Presenter Bios:

- Michelle Laud is a former long-time South Carolina resident and graduate of the University of South Carolina. She has a B.S. in Chemical Engineering from USC and an MBA from Wake Forest University.  In May 2019, Michelle joined PMSL as Engineering Sales Manager.

- Steven Barnak has a B.S. in Mechanical Engineering from Pennsylvania State University.  He has over 12 years in the field of mixing and is the Regional Sales Manager of North and South Carolina for the Industrial Division at PMSL.

The meeting will take place at Jacobs Engineering offices, in the conference room adjoining the main lobby

6 PM:  Come meet other chemical engineers in the area!

6:30 PM:  Catered Dinner (RSVP requested)

7 PM:  Presentation - Free to All