TEP Student Best Paper Awards | AIChE

TEP Student Best Paper Awards

Starting this year (2021), Transport and Energy Processes (TEP) Division will be presenting graduate student awards to papers related to Transport Phenomena in the areas of renewable feedstocks, alternative and flexible fuels, energy efficiency, energy storage and conversion, and clean technologies. This is an excellent opportunity for graduate students to get recognized and rewarded (up to $300 prize and an award certificate) for their research and innovation. The finalists will also be invited to present their work at the 2021 AIChE Annual Meeting.

In order to be considered, please follow BOTH of these steps:

  1. Submit an abstract directly to the TEP Graduate Student Award Session (Deadline is April 1, 2021) by following this link and clicking the "Submit an Abstract to this Session" button at the bottom of the page. Note: if the student is not selected to be a finalist, the abstract will be considered for presentation by a regular TEP session.
  2. Submit an application packet via e-mail to Prof. Andrej Lenert (alenert@umich.edu) and include the following information. All materials must be received by May 31, 2021, to be considered.
    1. Curriculum Vitae (3-page limit), 
    2. 1 referred research publication (published or in press, in pdf format), and
    3. A letter of recommendation from the Graduate Student's Advisor (e-mailed directly to alenert@umich.edu).
  3. We truly hope that you and your students will take advantage of this new opportunity!

Andrej Lenert and Abhinav Malhotra