All Conferences and Events | AIChE

All Conferences and Events

All Conferences

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2023 Industry 4.0: Digital Transformation Conference (IDTC23)

Hyatt Lodge Oak Brook, Oak Brook, IL

Fluidization XVII

Sheraton Grand Hotel and Spa, Edinburgh, Scotland, United Kingdom

Global Polymers and Textiles Summit

University of Massachusetts Lowell

AIChE/ACS Frontiers of Chemistry, Materials Science & Chemical Engineering for Circular Economy

2023 ACS Spring Hybrid National Meeting, Indianapolis, IN, USA

3rd Enterprise and Infrastructure Resilience Workshop


Trends in Invigoration of Manufacturing and Engineering (TIME)


2021 Delaware Chemical Ventures Conference


International Conference on Accelerated Carbonation for Environmental and Material Engineering (ACEME 2021)


Engineering Alternative Technologies (EAT) Plastic Workshop


CHISA 2020

Prague, Czech Republic
