(288m) The Reuse of Biosludge as an Adsorbent for Benzene and Dye Adsorption | AIChE

(288m) The Reuse of Biosludge as an Adsorbent for Benzene and Dye Adsorption


Chiang, H. - Presenter, China Medical University
Chen, C. - Presenter, Fooyin University
Lin, K. - Presenter, Fooyin University

Biosludge generates from wastewater treatment processes and its treatment and disposal is one of the most complex environmental problems facing the engineer. Therefore, the disposal of biosludge is an important issue of wastewater treatment plant. This study reuses biosludge as an adsorbent raw material that was selected from a wastewater treatment plant of petrochemical industry. Biosludge was immersed in different concentration of ZnCl2 solutions and pyrolyzed at different temperatures and times. Results indicated that the 1 M ZnCl2 immersed biosludge pyrolyzed at 500 oC for 30 min could be reused and were optimal for benzene adsorption. Pore size analysis indicated the mesopore contributed more than the macropore and micropore in the pyrolyzed residue. The benzene adsorption capacity of the biosludge adsorbent was 65 and 55 % of the G206 and BPL activated carbons (commercial activated carbons), respectively. In addition, the biosludge adsorbent is also used for Chrysophenine (CH) and Orange II adsorption. CH adsorption capacity on biosludge adsorbent was higher than F820 (commercial adsorbent) at 10-60 oC that indicated the biosludge adsorbents was more suitable to use for CH adsorption than commercial activated carbon. Furthermore, the Orange II adsorption capacity of biosludge adsorbent was higher than F820 at 10 oC. But the Orange II adsorption capacity of F820 could be higher than sludge adsorbents at 60 oC. Results indicated the biosludge could be reused as a adsorbent for gas and liquid pollutant adsorption after the proper pretreated procedures.


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