(410a) Lean Innovation – the Application of Lean Thinking to New Product Development | AIChE

(410a) Lean Innovation – the Application of Lean Thinking to New Product Development


Adkins, M. - Presenter, Turnkey Marketing

Improving your company's manufacturing and business processes is not simply an option in today's global marketplace - it is a requirement. Lean Manufacturing has revolutionized the factory floor. Now the movement is spreading to the office environment and in particular to the New Product Development (NPD) process.

Starting with the new idea through the product launch, Lean Innovation is a comprehensive program that tackles both the Discovery portion of NPD ?What do we develop to be successful?? and the Development portion of NPD, ?How do we develop more efficiently??

The presentation will include:

Historical Perspective on New Product Development and the Influence of Lean

The Ten Critical Competencies required for great New Product Development

The Five Lean Innovation Principles

Applying the Lean Innovation Framework

The use of Value Stream Mapping as part of the Lean Innovation Program

The Goals of a Lean Innovation Program:

· 50% reduction in time to market

· 50% improvement in project success rates

· 100% improvement in first-to-market innovation


This paper has an Extended Abstract file available; you must purchase the conference proceedings to access it.


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