(445b) Qualitative Frameworks for Early Stage Process Design | AIChE

(445b) Qualitative Frameworks for Early Stage Process Design


Wall, K., The University of Manchester

In the early stages of process development, and in particular for complex processes such as those found in pharmaceuticals and specialty chemicals, detailed mathematical modelling is not feasible. The use of qualitative models has been established as a mechanism to deliver many of the useful conclusions of a mathematical modelling approach, but much earlier in design.

A suite of models will be presented that cover the range of behaviours that are relevant to process outcome (reactions and tranformations, phase behaviour and spatial distribution of conditions. This extends the range of capabilities of the tools into multiphase reactions and separations (coupled or uncoupled with reaction).

These models have been widely applied by a group of companies in the pharmacuetical and specialty chemicals sectors through a collaborative organisation called BRITEST Limited. The application and benefits of the tools will be illustrated with examples from the experience of the BRITEST partners in the design of a range of processes.


This paper has an Extended Abstract file available; you must purchase the conference proceedings to access it.


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